A Decolonial Framework for Pedagogy & Practice

Check out our article in the Ethnic Studies Pedagogies Journal, published in June 2023!


  • Arce, M.S., & Montaño, T. (2022, Fall). No nos moveran: Chicana/o/x Studies in the movement for Ethnic Studies. Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 47(2), 121-132.

  • Arce, M. S. (2016). Xicana/o Indigenous Epistemologies: Toward a Decolonizing and Liberatory Education for Xicana/o Youth. " White" Washing American Education [2 Volumes]: The New Culture Wars in Ethnic Studies, 11.

  • Arce, M.S. & Fernández, A. (2014). Barrio pedagogy: Praxis within the Tucson social justice education semester. Regeneración: The Association of Raza Educators Journal, 5(1), 4-11.

  • Romero, A. & Arce, M.S. (2011). Saving the lives, the culture and the history of our children: Telling the truth in Arizona’s cultural war. Regeneración: The Association of Raza Educators Journal, 2(1), 19-24.

  • Romero, A., Arce, M.S. & Cammarota, J. (2009). A barrio pedagogy: Identity, intellectualism, activism, and academic achievement through the evolution of critically compassionate intellectualism. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 12(2), 217-233.


  • Fernandez, A. E., Arce, M. S., Gonzalez, J. A., & Gonzalez, M. (2023). TIAHUI: A Decolonial Framework for Pedagogy & PracticeEthnic Studies Pedagogies, 1(1), 73–87.

  • The Fight for Ethnic Studies Moves to K-12 Classrooms, Convergence Mag September 2022. 

  • Fernández, A. (2019). Counter-Storytelling and Decolonial Pedagogy: The Xicanx Institute for Teaching and Organizing. In C. Sleeter, W. Au, R.T. Cuahuatin, M. Zavala (Eds.). Rethinking Ethnic Studies (pp. 33-37). Rethinking Schools.

  • Fernández, A. E. (2019). Decolonizing professional development: A re-humanizing approach. Equity & Excellence in Education, 52(2-3), 185-196.

  • Fernández, A. (2016). Resistance and Resilience in Tucson: The Xican@ Institute for Teaching and Organizing (XITO) as a Form of Resistance and Liberation. "White" Washing American Education [2 Volumes]: The New Culture Wars in Ethnic Studies, 239.

  • Fernandez, A. (2016). Construir y No Destruir (Build and Do Not Destroy): Tucson Resisting. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, (26).

  • Arce, S. & Fernández, A. (2014). Barrio Pedagogy: Praxis within the Tucson Social Justice Education Semester. Regeneración: The Association of Raza Educators Journal, 5(1), 4-11.

  • Fernández, A. & Hammer, Z. (2012). Red scare in the red state: The attack on Mexican American Studies in Arizona and opportunities for building national solidarity. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 6(1).

  • Fernández, A. E. (Winter 2010-2011) Whitening Arizona: Teacher education in a time of war against our Students. Rethinking Schools.

  • Fernández, A. E. (2009). Reconfiguring the borderlands of identity: Preparing social justice educators. Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education, 4 (1).

  • Wong, P. & Fernández, A.E. (2008). Sustaining ourselves under stressful times: Strategies to assist multicultural Educators. Multicultural Education, 15(3)

  • Fernández, A.E. (2003). Autobiography in multicultural, anti-racist education: Three case studies. Teaching & Learning:The Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice, 18(1).

  • Elsbree, A.R., Fernández, A.E. & Wong, P. (2004). Beyond It’s Elementary: Practices to disrupt homophobia in teacher education courses. EdChange.


  • Fernandez, A. E., Arce, M. S., Gonzalez, J. A., & Gonzalez, M. (2023). TIAHUI: A Decolonial Framework for Pedagogy & PracticeEthnic Studies Pedagogies, 1(1), 73–87.

  • Gonzalez, J. A. (2021). A Question of Being Seen: XITO and Decolonizing in White Colonial Spaces.

  • González, J. A. (2017). A Counter Narrative. Asset Pedagogies in Latino Youth Identity and Achievement: Nurturing Confianza.


  • Fernandez, A. E., Arce, M. S., Gonzalez, J. A., & Gonzalez, M. (2023). TIAHUI: A Decolonial Framework for Pedagogy & PracticeEthnic Studies Pedagogies, 1(1), 73–87.

  • López, F., González, N., Hutchings, R., Delcid, G., Raygoza, C., & López, L. (2022). Race-Reimaged Self-Determination Theory: Elucidating How Ethnic Studies Promotes Student Identity and Learning Outcomes Using Mixed-Methods. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 102119.

  • González, M. (2017). Decolonizing Chican@ studies to rehumanize Xican@ youth through indigenous pedagogies. In Asset Pedagogies in Latino Youth Identity and Achievement (pp. 121-134). Routledge.

  • Rodriguez, R., & Gonzalez, N. (2012). Banning the ‘Aztec Calendar’: Indigenous, Maiz-based Knowledge at the Heart of Tucson’s Mexican American Studies Curriculum and Conflict.


  • Acosta, C. (2014). Dangerous Minds In Tucson: The Banning of Mexican American Studies and Critical Thinking In Arizona. The Journal of Educational Controversy, 7(2). Acosta, C. (2014).

  • Acosta, C. (2014). Huitzilopochtli: The will and resiliency of Tucson youth to keep Mexican American Studies alive. Multicultural Perspectives, 16(1), 3-7.

  • Acosta, C. (2013). Pedagogies of resiliency and hope in response to the criminalization of Latin@ students. Journal of Language & Literacy Education [Online], 9(2), 63-71.

  • Acosta, Curtis (2012). Tú eres mi otro yo/You are my other self. In N. Schniedewind & M. Sapon-Shevin (Eds.), Educational courage: Resisting the ambush on Public Education. Beacon Press.

  • Acosta, C. & Mir, A. (2012). Empowering young people to be critical thinkers: The Mexican American Studies Program in Tucson. Voices in Urban Education. 34 (Summer).

  • Acosta, C. (2007). Developing critical consciousness: Resistance literature in a Chicano literature class. English Journal, 36-42.



  • Cati, V., López, J., & Morrell, E. (2015). Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Race: Ethnic Studies and Literacies of Power in High School Classrooms. Race and Social Problems, 7(1), 84-96.

  • Cabrera, N. L.; Milem, J.F.; Jaquette, O. & Marx, R.W. (2014). Missing the (student achievement) forest for all the (political) trees: Empiricism and the Mexican American studies controversy in Tucson. American Educational Research Journal, 51(6), 1084-1118.

  • Cappellucci, D. F., Williams, C., Hernandez, J. J., Nelson, L. P., Casteel, T., Gilzean, G., & Faulkner, G. (2011). Curriculum audit of the Mexican American Studies Department, Tucson Unified School District.

  • Delgado, R. (2013). Precious knowledge: State bans on ethnic studies, book traffickers (librotraficantes), and a new type of race trial. North Carolina Law Review, 91(5), 1514-1551.

  • O’Leary, A.O., Romero, A.J., Cabrera, N.L., & Rascón, M. (2012). Assault on studies. In O. Santa Anna & González de Bustamante, C. (Eds.), Arizona firestorm: Global immigration realities, national media, and provincial politics (pp.97-120). Landham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

  • Serna, E. (2013). Tempest, Arizona: Criminal epistemologies and the rhetorical possibilities of Raza studies. Urban Review, 45(1), 41-57. 

  • Sleeter, C. (2011). The academic and social value of ethnic studies: A research review. Washington: National Education Association.

  • Villanueva, S.T. (2013). Teaching as a healing craft: Decolonizing the classroom and creating spaces of hopeful resistance through Chicano-Indigenous pedagogical praxis. Urban Review, 45(1), 23- 40.